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Eclipse CDT 5.0의 추가기능

CDT 5.0 requires using the Java 5.0 or later JRE.


Code and File Templates User-definable templates are now available and are used to populate new files.
Code/File templates are used in the New Class and New Source/Header File wizards
New preference page C/C++ > Code Style > Code Templates
New generic wizard: File from Template
Outline for assembly files The outline view is now populated when editing assembly files.
Code formatter improvements
New whitespace options 178601
New line wrapping options 191980, 192656
Improve GNU coding style compliance 192764

Content Assist improvements
Ignore auto activation when typing float 193464
Proposals for include directives 113568
Sort by relevance 172862
Content assist within macro arguments 200208
Maintenance 191315, 229062,230389

Doxygen editor support (plus framework) Auto-generation of tags and a pluggable framework for other documentation tools is now available.
Mark Occurrences Highlights where the selected identifier occurs elsewhere in the editor.
Image:5.png Image:6.png Image:7.png
Folding of compound statements Image:8.png Image:9.png 174597 (contributed by Elazar Leibovich)
Macro expansion hover and exploration tool Description 23540
Spell Checking Spell-checking is now available and enabled by default.
Scalability mode The editor can now be opened with reduced functionality when working with very large files.
Visual Studio key bindings You can now configure the IDE to recognize Visual Studio key bindings

Navigation and Search

Open Declaration
Operators 93281
Empty macros 198649
From elements in the Outline View 222721
From within preprocessing statements 215906
From arguments to a macro expansion 208300
Open Element
Support for static functions/variables 193057
Improvements to the Open Element dialog
Static functions/variables 196414
Search for macros 156561
Search for references of local variables 151334
Search view usability improvements 212166

Call Hierarchy

Read/Write decorators Icon decorator to show read and write-access for variables 156692
Polymorphic method calls Support for polymorphic method calls (virtual methods) 156689


Modelling transformations on the AST 214334
Filtering context-menu based on selection 60249
Generate Getter Setters 226658
Hide Method 226490
Implement Method 226646
Extract Constant 181493
Extract Function 226484
Maintenance of rename-refactoring 220741


Improved Accuracy
Projects with c and c++ files
Handling static variables/functions defined in a header 180305
Support for unnamed namespaces 162226
Support for nested anonymous struct members 216791
Support for namespace composition 200673
Support for using declarations 216527
Support for long long 209049
Support for asm labels 226121
Support for ommitted operands in conditional expressions 212905
Support for case-declarations with ranges 211882

Improved Performance
Performance improvement when using large include search paths 225302
Smaller index databases 210392

Entirely new Preprocessor
Comment tokens ignored when on same line as directive 192546
ASCII control characters in C/C++ files are flagged as errors 106344
Support for alternate keywords (or, ...) 187776
Scanner incorrectly handles #include line with macro 156990
Unreported references to macros when passed as argument to another macro 94673
Fix the location concept for the AST 202459
Support for trigraphs and digraphs 64993
Others 145270 117029, 210344, 190884, 188855, 180140, 122891, 120472, 116962, 90956, 90978

Improved Infrastructure
Diagnostics for indexer 213561
Improved configuration of indexer 215789, 173848, 215783, 220358, 227088, 228012

Visual indication of indexer status


104706, 162470, 168924, 185343, 203170, 209682, 209813, 210730, 211457, 211603, 213029, 213287, 213861, 214017, 214146, 215629, 215642, 217102, 217271, 217414, 209582, 218389, 219424, 219834, 221796, 222026, 223020, 223777, 226274, 226492, 226877, 227082, 227085, 227110, 227122, 227393, 228118, 228422, 228504, 229917, 229218, 229917, 231744, 232086, 233511

Projects & Build

Project Properties Improved usability of Project Properties pages 228953, 228958, 229771
Make target locations Make targets at the project level are built in the project build directory 176906.


Executables View
Event breakpoints Added gdb catchpoints (event breakpoints) support 226689

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